Gathering of Friends


Gerald Dawavendewa (Hopi & Cherokee)

A school of fish decorated with pottery images from the prehistoric culture named the Mimbres gathers together for safety and companionship.

An ancient people, the Mimbres lived in what is now southwestern New Mexico. They farmed corn, beans, and squash along a river the Spanish called Mimbres for its many willows. By 1150 CE, the Mimbres people began migrating out from the Mimbres River, and today, the Pueblo people of New Mexico and Arizona are among their descendants.

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Acid-free photo paper is used to print the artwork, and smudge-, fade-, and water-resistant inks ensure a lasting print. The 11x14 inch (27.9x35.5 cm) matted print includes a bevel-cut matte, backing board, description, artist biography, and cultural details. An envelope safeguards the print, and matted print will fit a standard frame; image of framed print is included to show possibilities, but the frame is not included.